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Implement This: The Ultimate Productivity Hack

How adding MORE to your plate actually create LESS stress? Well actually its simple - adding more of the good stuff can actually give you the energy to do the rest.

I was talking to a client last week and I asked her, "When you were really thriving in your life and business, what is the one thing you were consistently doing?"

She immediately answered with conviction, "Swimming."

When I asked her how she would feel about adding swimming into her life, she answered, "Nourished."

Imagine how much energy we would have to do the things we need to get done if we filled our life with more nourishing activities.

So I ask you: When you were really thriving in your life and business, what is the one thing you were consistently doing?

How can you do more of that?

💡 Why this is important: Creating the time and space in your life to do the things that nourish and excite you will create the momentum in your business to do the things you need to do.

What is the one thing that really brings nourishment into your life?

For me - it's nature. Just a simple walk can create so much energy for me. In fact, I'm going to take one right now.

I'd love to hear what it is for you!

Here's to you getting Time Rich, Summer


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